Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm a horrible Internet Friend

I haven't written in a while. I feel really bad about it. But I have been a little lazy and there isn't really anything exciting going on right now.

So let me think of things that have happened:

1)I have worked a couple of hours of childcare at the gym. The kids are adorable and having them for only an hour means you have plenty of fun before they leave.

2)I have been taking some exercise classes at the gym. I actually made it all of the way through Kick and Core last week and tried Pilates Mat this morning. I am contemplating trying the PUSH class tomorrow. It is labeled "Intermediate/Advanced" and I have heard it is hard. Am I ready for it? I guess I'll have to see tomorrow, if I don't chicken out.

3)I went back to my hometown last Saturday and got to watch my sister dance with her high school dance team. They were cheated out of placing, but got 4th place. She did excellent and it is always fun to watch her! Here is a picture of her that was published in our hometown paper.

That is her, right in front! She would kill me if she knew I put this up here. I can just tell she hates this picture!
BTW, they danced to a kind of techno Harry Potter song, she didn't just forget to wash her face

4) While in my hometown, we met with the place that I want to hold both our ceremony and reception at. It is expensive, but I love it. There really isn't anywhere else in town that holds a candle to it. We have contemplated moving the wedding to late April 2012 to save some money. We would save $1000 on our reception by moving it to the off-season. We'll see though.

5) I have found a few places online to make a little money. I started doing work for Amazon Mechanical Turk. My friends laughed when I told them I literally work for pennies. But I have earned about $5 so far, so any money is good money! I have also started taking online surveys when I can.

Well, I think that is about it in the World of Mikki. I will, of course, think of something better to write about. And I promise I won't drop you like a hot potato again!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The first check in!

So here are my 6 resolutions for this year. Let us take a look at where I stand right now, about a week and a half into the new year.
1. Lose weight-I haven't lost much weight yet, but I have been more aware of my food choices. I have cut down on snacks and added more fruits and vegetables to my diet. Keagle has been joining in some of these choices. He even ate the spinach I put in his salad the other day! I also got a job at a gym (more on that further down) that lets me take all of their workout classes for free! Now to just motivate myself to go to the classes....
2. Plan a wedding without losing my mind!-I have picked a tentative date, but Keagle and I are going to my hometown in a week from Saturday to talk to a place for the ceremony and reception. After that, we should know the date. We also had dinner with Keagle's parents and the next day they revealed that they were going to give us a lot more money then we originally thought! We are so excited to learn we will be less in debt with this wedding!

3. Develop a cleaning plan and stick with it.-Well, I haven't developed a plan, but everything is a lot cleaner! I consistently do the dishes, laundry, and regular cleaning like the bathroom and such. I also packed away all of the Christmas decorations along with the Halloween ones after I went through and arranged our storage closet. I am quite pleased with how nice everything looks!

4. Find at least a part-time job in an education-related field.-Okay, it isn't technically education-related, but I got a job subbing in as a childcare assistant at the gym I mentioned above. When they need someone or even just an extra person, they call me in. It doesn't pay much, but money is money and I get a free gym membership!

5. Create a budget to start paying back credit card debt, student loan debt, and put away money for the wedding.-I haven't created a budget yet. I am hoping to pay off my credit card before my student loans come due in June. After learning that Keagle's parents are chipping in a significant amount, saving for the wedding won't be as needed as I previously thought. Therefore the money that I start earning will go towards my student loans. I have been applying to other jobs because ideally, I will pay for half of the rent and then put most of my left-over money into my loan to pay it off.
6. Continue my education on my own by reading through works both in and out of the literary canon and on subjects that interest me.-I finished reading "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgessand really enjoyed it. I have been debating writting a review of it, but haven't decided yet whether I am going to. I am also reading "A Short History of the 20th Century" by Geoffrey Blainey. I find it interesting, but have had a hard time getting into it. I think I am too worried about the wedding, finances, finding a job, etc. to read something this heavy. But I will keep trying!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Wisdom of Kindergarteners

When I was student teaching last fall, I spent 10 weeks in kindergarten before I moved to teach high school English. On my last day in elemntary school, the class gave me a book they had written called "Advice on How to Teach High School." I figured I would pass on a few gems.

"Make them go to the principal's office"-Carter

"Teach them to read a book"-Joey

"Make them do homework"-Tristan

"Make them tie their shoes"-Jack

"Don't hit"-Bella (I'm not sure if this was advice for the students not to hit each other or for me not to hit the students!)

"If they are not listening, count to ten"-Ainsley

"Don't throw food"-Ty (Again, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to stop food fights or just not start them!)

"Sing the good morning song"-Miana

"Don't pull hair"-Danny (Once more, whoever this advice is directed to, it is a good idea to not pull hair)

"Stop! You have to tell me if you go to the bathroom"-Jamie (I suppose I'm to yell this as my students run out the door)

"Do not do gymnastics in the classroom"-Adalyn (I probably shouldn't do cartwheels if I want to garner respect from the high school students)

"Don't let the high schoolers run in the hall"-Shannon

"Don't run away"-Stella

Each of these pieces of advice came with a picture, of course, that I hope to put on another post on of these days. I miss this class dearly and I can't wait until I get my teaching license so I can go back and sub for their class!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whitewashing Classic Literature

New South Books is planning on releasing a version of Huck Finn taking out the words "nigger" and "Injun." Now, I just graduated college with a degree in English Education. As I was student teaching in 9th grade English, I taught a story that contained the "n-word" within it. ("A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner) I prefaced reading this story by explaining the time in which the story was both written and set. I explained that while this word is not okay today and makes us uncomfortable today, it shouldn't be taken out of the story because that would change the tone and mood of the story.

Honestly, I don't see a reason to take out these certain words. If we start censoring, where will we stop? Will we take out mentions of Shylock in The Merchang of Venice? Will we take out T. S. Eliot's anti-Semetic comments in his poetry?

I post on a forum where we talked about this today. Another commenter mentioned that some schools teach a completely whitewashed version of history. It wasn't that way at my school, but I was surprised to learn that many students are only taught a history where America is a shining star and never did anything wrong. It is so wrong to pretend that our history is clean of any unprovoked bloodshed.

So, thoughts? What is your experience with censorship in literature or history?

How it all began...

Not me, of course, but where I am in life right this very minute. Join me in my time machine as we travel back...

Nov. 18th, 2008-I had gotten out of a 3 1/2 year relationship at the end of October and was living life how I wanted to live it, for the first time. My roommate had gotten me really into the band Rise Against and they were playing at the Myth in the Twin Cities. Rise Against is a punk rock band. (You should listen to them sometime. I recommend the album "Siren Song of the Counter Culture.") Keagle was there with some other friends to meet my roommate. Now, I had met Keagle before, but only briefly. I had thought he was cute, but that was about it. I survived in the moshpit for one of the opening bands, Alkaline Trio, but when Rise Against came out, I thought I was going to die. I'm a small person. I'm about 5' 4" and have never weighed above 150, which I carry well, mind you! Everyone rushed the stage and I couldn't breath. I didn't have the arm strength to push against the person in front of me and I was beginning to panic. All of a sudden, Keagle was there. He asked if I needed to get out and when I managed to nod my head, he took my hand and plowed a path to the back. He is a big guy, like 6' 3" over 200 lbs. big guy. He bought me a water and we stood awkwardly because he didn't really know what to say and I am shy.

Dec. 31, 2008-I attended a New Years Eve party at Keagle's house, again with my college roommate. Throughout the night, we talked and as the party wound down, he was my New Years kiss.

Our first picture together at said New Years Eve party

Jan. 1, 2009-My roommate had to work and my car broke down, so I couldn't drive home. I text Keagle and we hung out at the mall until my roommate got off work.

Jan. 8, 2009-From the time we hung out until now, we were constantly chatting on Facebook and AIM. We made our relationship offical on this day.

Mid Jan. 2009-I'm a horrible person because I can't remember the day of our official "first date." But we went out to Osakas, a hibachi place, and then to a party at a friend's house. We got semi-dressed up and had a good time, even though we were still both a little shy. I refused to catch the shrimp in my mouth while Keagle showed off by catching multiple.

Us at the party on our first date. Yeah, this is the nicest picture I could find....

May 15, 2010-We moved in together in the Twin Cities. We live in a lovely suburb in a two bedroom townhouse that holds all of our belongings, for now. I do like to brag a little about it because I come from a small town that a lot of people get "stuck" in and I'm proud I didn't get stuck.

Dec. 24, 2010-Keagle proposed on Christmas Eve at my grandparent's house. We had finished opening presents when he said "Mikki, I have one last present for you" and he got down on one knee and proposed. My brother promptly changed his Facebook status to "My sister just got engaged!"


And, because everyone asks, here is a picture of the ring!
I love it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life as an unemployed adult

I have spent the last two days as an unemployed, not in school person. It has been a strange experience! This is the first time in my life I have truly had nothing to do. Of course, I have been cleaning, cooking, and running errands. But I have discovered the one thing that really bugs me...people either not answering emails or not reading the entire email before answering. I'll tell you my two stories.

1) I have started corresponding with a man who books for the golf course I want to have my wedding at. He seems to have a problem I call "Not-read-everythingitis." No matter how specific I make my questions and even though I mention specific dates, he still manages to either not answer or read the wrong date. Typically, I do not mistake July for June. You would think when you are booking large events that you would read things pretty closely.

2) I started the paperwork to apply for my teaching license. I actually will be getting two licenses for my two degrees. While the instructions I recieved on how to apply seemed crystal-clear before the application process, it has somehow morphed into something as clear as mud. I have no idea what I need two copies of or if I need two copies of things. Fortunately, the website had an email if there were problems. Unfortunately, this person either doesn't check their email or has decided to let me struggle with my problem, making me unable to find a sub job while my license is in limbo.

Even though the wedding won't be for another year and a half, I have wanted to get the planning ball rolling. One of the things I wanted to do is pick the wedding colors. Even though all of the planning books and magazines say not to worry about it, Keagle and I want to keep the budget as low as possible. I will be budget shopping for centerpieces and other things now that we have the colors set (I hope!).

Any ways, today I went to Home Depot to pick up paint samples so that we could decide. I've never done that before. As I picked through them all, I felt like I was stealing! Maybe it's because I feel really out of place picking out paint samples. Everyone else in that department looked like a middle-aged soccer moms. I still look like a college student. Oh well, I got the samples, got out, and we are thinking of navy blue, mint green, and some gray accents.

I am looking at 3 more days this week of cleaning, cooking, and dreaming about the wedding. That means I will probably be on here a lot more. :)